Easy to Play: SUEWIO clarinet reeds feature a thinner vamp and unfiled cut design makes the play easier and produces a clear sound. The player will enjoy the freedom of response and have more confidence in producing a clear sound!
10 Pack: Suitable for Clarinet, Strength 2.5, box of 10.
Great Flexibility: Made of grown-up high quality reeds, grown in sufficient sunlight, harvested by hand, made by digital reed-making technology, of great flexibility, maintaining a richness of tone and clarity of the sound.
Well Packaged: SUEWIO clarinet reeds are enclosed in a plastic container to maintain their freshness. After every use, it is recommended to gently rinse them with water and remove excess moisture with a paper towel, then allow them to air dry before placing them back in the case.
Wide Usage: From beginners to professionals, from students to teachers, from classical music to jazz, Suewio Bb clarinet reeds are ideal for a wide array of playing situations.